An engineer working on the installation of an Asian Children’s Mission water project overhead the Christian teaching going on inside the church.   After work was done for the day, he approached Timothy, the teacher, and asked him questions about Jesus.   Through this the engineer was convinced. His name is U Tin and he told about this to the elders of his ward, where he lives. Then they asked Timothy to tell them about the living and True God. Timothy appointed them to come and listen about God on Aug 10 (Friday). About 20 came to the Center to listen and Timothy explained them about the living God. It took three hours from 10 am to 2 pm. Lunch was served. After teaching, Timothy interviewed them how the teaching was. The chairman and the Secretary told Timothy “Your explanations were very clear. We are convinced. Monks never tell us about these and their teachings have confused us.”

On Aug 16, U Tin (Engineer) called Timothy. What he mentioned was in the evening of August 10 after they heard about the Living God, community elders got together and discussed about what they had heard. The result of that meeting was that the community people also want to hear about it and they also invited Timothy to teach them in the future. The head of the workers of water project and U Tin told Timothy, their and his wives, and another lady have decided to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Other people need to take time to convince their wives, children, and others of their age. This meeting on August 10, 2012 may have been  the first official meeting for sharing the Gospel and the Living God to real Rakai people. The people in Rahkaine have found joy in the darkest of time.

Timothy went back to Rahkaine in January. This second time a family was converted and become Christians. These people are real Rahkaine.  The Christians in Rahkaine state that we work with are Mro Kami people. These Rahkaine are the first ones to hear the Gospel. There may be Rahkaine Christians but we never knew.

They then told the monks what they had heard. Recently we heard that the monks (which were given help last year) heard about the engineer becoming a Christian, and they invited him to monastery.  Timothy gave some evangelistic tools and DVD’s of preaching. Recently we received a call from the engineer that he was asked to come to see the monks. It was the night before he went to see the monks. when he went there the monks questioned him and told him that they want to meet the evangelist. “If you know we want to hear it from you. We also want to worship the true God” was what they said to him.